Friday, October 30, 2009


Okay, this is probably something very common to some of you people if you spent almost half of your life on MySpace. I am not saying that every Malay have suckish English, but for you English-geniuses out there, you get it, don't you? I am not trying to judge everyone but I am pretty sick of the people who rants about my flaws with words that I can hardly understand. I mean, you're starting a fight where your opponent doesn't understand you? I just don't get what they're trying to prove.

I am not perfect myself, but atleast my English is comprehensible. That is just it, this post will be continued since I just suffered a sudden sore throat, karma for about to post this I guess.


Monday, October 19, 2009

R.I.P Miley & Hannah

Okay, this is going to be quite funny. Yesterday, I went out for dinner with my mum at Victoria Station and we both had yummy, juicy steaks after we had an-hour walk, strolling around Lake Garden. Then, I went to the Great Eastern Mall to have dessert. After that, we walked around the place and then, I bought two guppies with different-coloured tails from a petshop downstairs. I named them Miley and Hannah. I don't know why but I was just being creative. No offense, though. Anyways, it costs my mum three ringgit for each of the fishes.

So, I bought a packet of pink, white, and green pebbles and a small aquarium for it with a pink lid. I also bought a new aquarium for my turtle, Lulla, and my sister's turtle, Yroc, yes, it's a horrible name for a pet, my sister has a weird taste of things. I am quite happy because I never have fishes as pets before. I was quite ecstatic. Then, I brought it home happily.

Both of my sisters were out to their friend's house for a sleep-over and I told them about Miley and Hannah. My youngest sister doubt that the fishes would last long under my care, turns out she was right. I also decorated the aquarium with the pebbles I bought when I got them in my bedroom. Miley and Hannah seemed happy for it, but not for long.

Today, I woke-up to my dead fishes and they were upside down floating. I stared at them, they weren't moving, I ran to my mum's bedroom and told her, she laughed about it and asked me to flush them into the toilet and I spent 20 minutes figuring how. I have to flush them in the toilet bowl! It wasn't a good experience but it would be funny if I tell about it to someone.

God, I just had them for a night! I hate it because I had to dunk their guts to the bowl, it's not my favourite thing to do. I mean, it's small and you just yanked their little guts into the bowl. Quite disgusting and I have to use a long ruler to get them out, I won't touch them, never. Guess my sisters won't take a first look at the guppies after all.

O-hail Miley and Hannah! May you rest in peace in the sewer. God, bless their petite souls of innocence.

NOTE: I am never going to buy fishes as pet in my life anymore.


p/s; Since the pebbles I bought is useless now, I named the pink ones-Miley, the green ones-Hannah, and the white ones...Billy! Hehe, it's a laugh!

I am not afraid to say I love you,

This post I am about to type is going to be slightly vulnerable and sensitive. I dream about this person for like 2 weeks now and I don't know his name. Maybe I even had this dream about that anonymous person because of my break-up with Stefan, I just thought so, maybe because I still love him.

Yes, I broke-up with Stefan and I have absolutely no time to tell you guys this news. The break-up is probably my fault because he is someone I really care about and when he left, I just stood there, reminiscing but not doing anything to alter fate. I am a sucker for love and forgiveness. If I am hurt, I'll probably shut up about it.

My bestfriend said maybe I missed him and I want him back. I don't really know, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I bought a CD of his favourite band, Good Charlotte, just to feel that he's around. Fortunately, the CD cost me RM10 because it was an old CD. Lucky me, a-ha. I heard the same song over and over again on my iPod.

Oh, not to mention, he called me yesterday and we talked a lot, but he was the one doing the talking, I was just there, being heartless as I am. Anyway, I was relieved that he doesn't have anyone else because I want him all to myself. Yes, love is greedy. Well, at least I have something to blame to.

By his voice, he sounded concern. We talked for an hour and I kept wishing he would not hang up but I was the one ended up asleep when he's still there. I still laughed about it. I wish he would still drop-by to see if I was okay. I just miss him, that's all.

Stefan, if you read this, I just want you to know that you mean a lot to me.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bitch, get a friend.

Hi. Okay, so if you know me in real life, you'll probably know who this bitch is. Although I am not going to say any names, you would still get a hint. Anyway, to be generally true, I know this person and she used to be my friend. When I am friends with her, she would totally treat me like shit and makes me want to slit her throat everytime. As you should know, I am the type of person who has no patience. I like everything to go fast and as the way I wanted. Call me a bitch, I don't give a shit.

Well, it has been weeks now since we haven't talk like the way we used to. I am glad that I am in the position and the condition I am in now, because I am completely exasperated by her ways of treating me. I don't think I, nor anyone deserves it. So, like, everytime she comes to school, I would see her and I would totally get annoyed. Not to mention that I sit near to her in the exam hall. I hate it how our names have the same initials.

Anyway, I and some of my friends realised that she is irrationally itching to talk to me! I mean, I tried to ignore her all the time, but sometimes my brain gets a little obstinate towards my orders and it couldn't fuction as well as I planned. So, it's like she is itching to get something out of her fucken head to produce words to talk to me about. I mean, what the hell?! You treat me like shit and now you want to talk to me, I just don't get it.

Btw, she said hi to me last week, I pretended I didn't hear her. Call me mean, whatever.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My birthday and PMR doesn't go together that well,

Okay, so I haven't update my shits like almost 2 or 3 weeks max? Anyway, I got an iPod Touch for my birthday and of course, I love it like, more than ever. I was planning to buy rhinestones stickers since it had some scratches here and there at the back of it. iPod Touch is like soooooooooo cool, only it would be cooler if the songs from iTunes are free. I mean, songs, they're just songs, music, come on! Why can't we get it for free?! But then, I just realised that life is materialistic.

The sad thing is, PMR. Yeah, it was. I had my Bahasa Melayu and Pendidikan Islam paper today, and let me tell you, PAI was kinda eaaaaaaaaaaaaaasy! Woo-hoo! At least, give me a B or an A, perhaps? Pretty please, with a cherry on top? But BM was kinda depressing and I didn't had much time for it :( In the novel part, I fucked up, badly. And I kinda promised my teacher I would get an A for it? Sorry?

Anyway, tomorrow's English, I'm just hoping it would be an easy one, not the type of questions which will make me regret for never searching that particular word in the dictonary. Oh, tomorrow's Science! I'll just hope that everything I learnt this year and the previous years paid off!
