Monday, October 19, 2009

R.I.P Miley & Hannah

Okay, this is going to be quite funny. Yesterday, I went out for dinner with my mum at Victoria Station and we both had yummy, juicy steaks after we had an-hour walk, strolling around Lake Garden. Then, I went to the Great Eastern Mall to have dessert. After that, we walked around the place and then, I bought two guppies with different-coloured tails from a petshop downstairs. I named them Miley and Hannah. I don't know why but I was just being creative. No offense, though. Anyways, it costs my mum three ringgit for each of the fishes.

So, I bought a packet of pink, white, and green pebbles and a small aquarium for it with a pink lid. I also bought a new aquarium for my turtle, Lulla, and my sister's turtle, Yroc, yes, it's a horrible name for a pet, my sister has a weird taste of things. I am quite happy because I never have fishes as pets before. I was quite ecstatic. Then, I brought it home happily.

Both of my sisters were out to their friend's house for a sleep-over and I told them about Miley and Hannah. My youngest sister doubt that the fishes would last long under my care, turns out she was right. I also decorated the aquarium with the pebbles I bought when I got them in my bedroom. Miley and Hannah seemed happy for it, but not for long.

Today, I woke-up to my dead fishes and they were upside down floating. I stared at them, they weren't moving, I ran to my mum's bedroom and told her, she laughed about it and asked me to flush them into the toilet and I spent 20 minutes figuring how. I have to flush them in the toilet bowl! It wasn't a good experience but it would be funny if I tell about it to someone.

God, I just had them for a night! I hate it because I had to dunk their guts to the bowl, it's not my favourite thing to do. I mean, it's small and you just yanked their little guts into the bowl. Quite disgusting and I have to use a long ruler to get them out, I won't touch them, never. Guess my sisters won't take a first look at the guppies after all.

O-hail Miley and Hannah! May you rest in peace in the sewer. God, bless their petite souls of innocence.

NOTE: I am never going to buy fishes as pet in my life anymore.


p/s; Since the pebbles I bought is useless now, I named the pink ones-Miley, the green ones-Hannah, and the white ones...Billy! Hehe, it's a laugh!

I am not afraid to say I love you,

This post I am about to type is going to be slightly vulnerable and sensitive. I dream about this person for like 2 weeks now and I don't know his name. Maybe I even had this dream about that anonymous person because of my break-up with Stefan, I just thought so, maybe because I still love him.

Yes, I broke-up with Stefan and I have absolutely no time to tell you guys this news. The break-up is probably my fault because he is someone I really care about and when he left, I just stood there, reminiscing but not doing anything to alter fate. I am a sucker for love and forgiveness. If I am hurt, I'll probably shut up about it.

My bestfriend said maybe I missed him and I want him back. I don't really know, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I bought a CD of his favourite band, Good Charlotte, just to feel that he's around. Fortunately, the CD cost me RM10 because it was an old CD. Lucky me, a-ha. I heard the same song over and over again on my iPod.

Oh, not to mention, he called me yesterday and we talked a lot, but he was the one doing the talking, I was just there, being heartless as I am. Anyway, I was relieved that he doesn't have anyone else because I want him all to myself. Yes, love is greedy. Well, at least I have something to blame to.

By his voice, he sounded concern. We talked for an hour and I kept wishing he would not hang up but I was the one ended up asleep when he's still there. I still laughed about it. I wish he would still drop-by to see if I was okay. I just miss him, that's all.

Stefan, if you read this, I just want you to know that you mean a lot to me.
