Friday, June 26, 2009

Alma tweet-ing at my face in class.

Okay, this is so stupid. I was in class, I can't remember what subject it was. Anyway, Alma is sitting in front of me in class and I was like laughing with Naimi at the back. Anyway, she was looking at me with that face and I was like 'what are you looking at?' and she's like making this innocent face and tweet-ed! She TWEET-ED at my face! What the hell was that?! I was laughing about it all day! Haha. Felt like ROFL the whole day. Haha! Oh btw, the subject was Geography.

I will ROFL and LMAO at the same time!

Okay, so this is what happened, we were having this beauty contest in school. And me and a couple of friends are suppose to manage the stage and the decorations and stuff. So, as usual, I will make a joke about everything and said to Naimi that what will happened if I join the beauty contest and emberassed myself by ROFL on the red carpet when it's my turn, that must be funny. Naimi was like 'let's make a video and you will ROFL and LMAO at the same time! That would be awesoooome!' and we laughed about it and cant believe ourselves.

How me and Naimi rocked it last Wednesday.

Well, nothing good happened but me and Naimi was some awesome DJs that day. Our school was having this Miss Personality Muslimah contest. It's like a beauty pageant. And I got picked to do the music section. But the teacher doesn't seem to like the songs I played, who cares about what the teachers think, eh? The students like it and that matters most anyway.